Monday, May 27, 2013

Minecraft Rocks!!!

I like Minecraft.  Why?  Because just as they say, the only limit is your imagination!  My Dad got Minecraft PC about a month or two ago, so I am modestly still a beginner.  However, I did very well get Minecraft Pocket Edition a while before that. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

The School Is Over!!!

Hello there!  Just so you know, I am done with school this year!!!  Isn't that super awesome now! 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 That is a Smartphone with 4G LTE!

 This is a better picture of my Samsung galaxy tab 8.9.  Below are other pictures of the back, left, etc.
 This is the back.  The reason why AT&T"s symbol is there is because it can turn my tablet into a smartphone.  It has 4G LTE!!!  Anyway, here are other pictures.