Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Dessert Chef

I am the 'Dessert Chef'.  I only finished ONE dessert ever that I completely made!  I made the crust of a pie, if you count that as two, but that is it besides the doughnut-tasting muffins.  I want to make butterscotch ice cream sometime. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

New York City

 This is where you control a robot, which you want to get on all the lights.  The one under this picture, as well as this picture, were taken at Sony Wonder Technology Lab. 
This is the Shadow Garden.  My shadow blocks the sand, which looks like gems for some reason. 
 This is at the FDNY Fire Zone.  You actually control the water that would go though the hose! 
Those are melon-shaped chandeliers with REAL GOLD in a train station called Grand Central. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

I Hope I'll be a Winner!

     This is the certificate that everyone gets.  This is a math contest.  I won 82 points.  I will probably win a ranking in the tens or twenties nationally, but we don't know yet. 

Thursday, March 8, 2012

My First Medal in a Chess Tournament!

     I have got twice the score of my other two tournaments, three points, and needed two-and-a-half points to get a medal.  A half a point less was for getting a medal.  I got a half a point more than needed for the medal.  I also got the certificate that everyone gets.  (At least the kids do, but the adults don't.)   

Thursday, March 1, 2012

My First Blog With Glasses!

I'm wearing actual glasses!  This is my first blog with them.  I don't wear my glasses all the time, I only want them half of the time!  For example, I am not wearing them now.