Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Monster Trucks

 Welcome to the Monster Truck show!  That yellow there is Higher Education, one of the monster trucks. 
Crush Station* is flipped up-side-down after destroying more cars!  (*say that, will you?  It's Crustacean.) 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

It's Valentine's Day!!!

These are my valentines for the class I'm in, and the class before that.  These are ilove's.  I had a GREAT time on Valentine's Day!!!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Timed Frog Feeder and the PEZ Factory

This is my invention, the Timed Frog Feeder.  It feeds my frogs for thirteen days!!!  This is the Science Fair*.  (*=That would be the BACKGROUND, SILLY!!!
This is the PEZ Factory.  It's been a while since I've had PEZ before this...  But, what can I say, oh well.  At least now I can have them!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

I Predict... Snores!!!

It's groundhog day!  Who is he???  Mc Sleepy Pants, that's who!!!  Snore, snore!!!  I predict...  SNORE!!!  I predicted spring soonORE!!!